
News & Updates

What is sound therapy?

Sound therapy is a common term often used by individuals who believe the strategic use of various types of sound…
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Music for wellness and mental peace

Anxiety: Using Music and Sounds for Relief

Anxiety is an emotional response to stress, typically a feeling of worry and nervous tension. As of 2023, over 30%…
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Music and Pain Relief

Music for Pain Relief: Exploring the Healing Power of Melody

Music holds a key role in human culture, touching our emotions and serving various purposes through time. This post explores…
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Music for Sleep

5 Categories of Music for Sleep

This post is your guide to music for sleep. The world of music is as diverse as the individuals who…
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Music for Health and Well Being

For centuries, music for health and well being has been a strategy for wellness of one type or another. It…
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The science of calming sound for anxiety

There’s something about certain sounds that can immediately calm us down. The sound of rain, for example, is known to…
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Wellness starting from the ear!

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